Ski Tours
Wake Boards
Motor Bikes
Car Tours
     In France?
     In USA?
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This year's Convertible Cruise itinerary a loop through South-eastern France where you will enjoy superb scenery and charming villages. You will see the Alps, drive down the famous Route Napoleon, cross Provence and visit the famous resorts of the French Riviera (Monaco, Nice, Cannes). Then you'll drive through the Rhône Valley, stopping in Aix-en-Provence or Avignon, cross the Drôme and the Ardèche rivers, to arrive in Lyon, capital of the Gauls, a beautiful city built around two rivers.

This will be an unforgettable trip…for the scenery, the cities, the villages, and most of all for the sense of freedom that we provide to you with our Out Tours assistance system. Even if you don't speak French, you will be able to travel effortlessly, knowing that every answer is at your fingertips.

Timing: From June to the end of September. Convertible-cars : type BMW Z3 or Mercedes SLK.

People who wish to join our tours and who don't want to use the airplane ticket included, can contact us and we will exclude that portion of the package.
